Hannah’s Artstrek Experience

Hannah Wood is back from Artstrek 2023, and we asked her to describe her experience! This is what she said:

"I would like to start off by thanking Swamp Rat Experience for providing me this wonderful opportunity.

Throughout the course of the week these are some of the things that we did. Each day consisted of 5 classes. Acting, devising, world of the play, voice, and movement. Now, since there were about 130 people from all over Alberta we couldn't all be in all of those classes at once so they split us up into separate classes using letters. For example, Class C and G would be in movement while class A and F would be in acting. In these classes we learned a multitude of things ranging from different impulse levels, to the specifics of how a character moves or even the history behind Oscar Wilde!

Every night after classes and dinner there would be a fun activity such as a plane ride to Toronto aka a movie night, or a malfunctioning spaceship where we had to complete different activities to fix it!

Not only did Artstrek teach everyone, including me, the different parts of theatre, but also how to work with like minded people who have different perspectives on what you're learning. That might sound weird, but you got to talk to and work with people you have never met and it truly is astonishing how many close friendships you can make!

I would like to reiterate how grateful I am to have been gifted with the opportunity to go to this camp because it truly was a wonderful experience, and I hope I can return again next year. Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this possible!!"

We are extremely proud to have been able to sponsor Hannah's first Artstrek experience, thanks to support from sponsors, donors, and theatre champions in Wood Buffalo. #YMMtheatre


Hate Has No Space On Our Stage


Swamp Rat Experience Sponsors Local Youth to Attend Theatre Alberta's Artstrek