Hate Has No Space On Our Stage

In light of the hate marches against the 2SLGBTQIA+ community that took place in Wood Buffalo and across Canada on September 20, 2023, Swamp Rat Experience want recognize that the 2SLGBTQIA+ community is hurting, and we want to say, we love you for who you are, and stand with you. We are committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion for all, and we understand the numerous dangers and discrimination that threaten their very existence and well-being. To all 2SLGBTQIA+ people: we value you, we see you, we hear you. You have a safe space here. Hate has no space on our stage, and we stand firmly against this march and condemn its ideals of ignorance, intolerance, division, and hate.

SRE has purposely chosen to produce RENT to amplify the voices of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in Wood Buffalo. We actively work to create a safe space where queer people are represented both on stage, within the cast, and as part of the artistic and production teams. Telling diverse and inclusive stories has never been more critical; as queer and trans people, in this modern day and age, are not safe. An unprecedented number of anti-2SLGBTQIA+ bills continue to be proposed across Canada, including here in Alberta. Elsewhere, nearly 70 countries continue to criminalize being 2SLGBTQIA+ according to the Council for Foreign Relations, including 12 countries where consensual same-sex relations is punished by the death penalty. We are seeing marches against the queer community, protests at Pride celebrations, vandalism, threats, and even violence increase across our country. Showcasing stories that feature all of humanity remains one of our top goals as a company, and SRE will continue to showcase stories across the spectrum of existence.

“2SLGBTQIA+ people are not a “belief” or “value system” you can opt in or out of. We are human beings. We are a community. And we deserve to have protected human rights and to live in a safe society. This is not an opinion. Our existence is a fact. Our humanity is a fact. You either get to be an ally and make it known you stand beside us, be an open bigot, or be neutral and complacent to bigotry - those are the choices. We are real, and we are valid. We are born as who we are. We are also born into a world that has intentionally tried to erase us, criminalize and institutionalize us. Our elders had to fight for our human rights and freedom because of ideologies that have refused to acknowledge the inherent dignity of queer and trans human beings. Now we have to continue that fight for queer and trans children and youth to live and express themselves freely as who they are. Our representation is not a threat to the representation of any other expression of humanity. Our representation is how we find each other and how we survive.

Having strong religious beliefs doesn’t make you more or less human, and it certainly doesn’t entitle you to pass judgments OR advocate for policies that restrict the human rights of those who don’t share your views. Human beings can opt in and opt out of religious communities and belief systems. Queer and trans people cannot opt in or out of who we are, who we are born as, and who we have the right to become. I won’t be debating whether mine or my community’s existence and humanity is acceptable to your religion. I won’t be debating the validity of real queer and trans human beings or our right to exist publicly and proudly. […] Kindness can easily become meaningless when we use it to bypass or avoid the often difficult and uncomfortable work of allyship and solidarity. You’re either for-human rights or anti-human rights. Be open to learning and doing better when people who you claim to love, call you in and ask you to do better. Be willing to answer the call of unconditional love.” - Brooke McMillan (September 21, 2023)


  • Pride YMM: (587) 646-6626 or email info@prideymm.ca

  • Some Other Solutions 24/7 Confidential Crisis Line: 780-743-HELP(4357)

  • Kid’s Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868

  • Trans Lifeline - open to trans people across Canada: 1-877-330-6366

  • Hope for Wellness Helpline - available 24/7 to all Indigenous people across Canada: 1-855-242-3310

  • www.pflagcanada.ca Pflag Canada offers peer-to-peer support striving to help all Canadians with issues of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

  • www.egale.ca Egale is Canada’s leading organization for 2SLGBTQI people and issues. They provide research, education, awareness, and advocacy for human rights and equality in Canada and around the world.


An estimated 1 million people in Canada are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or of another sexual orientation than heterosexual - representing 4% of the Canadian population aged 15 years and older. Keep in mind that this statistic is based on self-disclosure, and the real number is higher (estimated to be closer to 10-12%), as the fear of coming out is still a reality for many queer and trans people. In 2021, Statistics Canada reported a 39% increase in hate crimes in Alberta, and that's only the crimes reported to police. Compared with 2019, hate crimes have increased 72%, while 62% of 2SLGBTQIA+ students reported feeling unsafe at school, and 64% of students reported hearing homophobic comments daily or weekly at school.

The statistics speak volumes about the challenges faced by queer and trans individuals in Canada. According to the Jasmin Roy Foundation's LGBT Reality Survey in 2017, a staggering 54% of 2SLGBTQIA+ Canadians have not come out to their work colleagues, highlighting a fear of rejection and the potential impact on their careers. Additionally, 45% have not come out to their classmates, exposing the pervasive discrimination that exists within our schools. These figures serve as a reminder of the urgent need for safe spaces where 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals can freely express themselves and feel accepted without fear of bullying, exclusion, or threat of violence. It is important that we see that queer people exist in all aspects of society, affirming that being 2SLGBTQIA+ is not a barrier to reaching your aspirations, and that queer people are loved, valued, and belong in our community .


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